Saturday, January 22, 2011


I hate thieves. No really. Someone stole my cute Coach wristlet while I was wasting time at the Mall yesterday

I'm devastated! This lil guy has stuck with me through thick and thin. Never caring if someone were to spill beer and very Aggieville/grunge/dirt safe (waterproof!)

The only advantage to this is that I am looking into buying a new one. I do love to online shop.... I'm not sure who will replace my trusty waterproof clutch, it will be a hard choice I'm sure, especially under a budget.
As for the person who stole it, and spent $4.64 at Claire's before I had a chance to cancel my debit card... I hope you enjoy your new purse and cheap earrings.

Today however, I have stayed in and am playing housewife. Lately I've been really into cooking. Inspired by none other than The Pioneer Woman Pioneer Woman is fantastic, and her recipes have yet to disappoint! Today I was inspired by her white chili recipe, and modified it a little bit adding a touch of milk, corn starch, and white corn.
Bon Appetit!

and, let there be dessert:

Originally I was going to wait to eat both of these at dinner and surprise David with my home-ec skills but I'm finding it harder and harder to resist. I wish there was such thing as smell-o-vision, because I guarantee you would be in heaven!

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