So, I impulsively signed up for a 5k today. Scariest part? It's in 2 weeks. I've ran the homecoming 5K before, and I can run 3 miles on a tredmill, but this rash decision has me scrambling to 'train' the next few days to complete this new goal. Between now and then I need to run outside and see how I feel among the elements with concrete under my feet.

The race I will be running is put on my the Vet School and is a fairly simple route. The hardest/steepest part of it will be at the beginning with a good downhill to catch my breath half way through the race, ending flat.
The race begins at the Vet building by the rec, runs up the hill of Kimball ave, turns right on Manhattan ave to endure a wee bit more of an incline and then DOOOOWWWNNNN the hill by the dorms, (this is where I will catch my breath, and will no longer be cursing myself, right?) after turning on Lovers lane the route goes back up a wee hill through campus and back to the vet complex.
Tada! That doesn't sound so hard right?!? Let's hope so, cause it's gonna happen. Unfortunately Zoey will not be participating with me as her legs are even shorter than her Mama's are! Hopefully she will be waiting at the end with lots of encouraging licks and water to support me as I accomplish my lavish and impulsive goal.
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