According to the fancy scale/body fat machine at Max Fitness, I have lost 40 lbs in 4.5 months! Wahoo!
However, this isn't the end of my fitness journey. I can officially say that I'm hooked. I love how strong I feel and plan to keep at it! I wouldn't mind losing another 15-20 lbs, but I'm not going to push myself too hard (after all this is a lifestyle change)! I do have some progress to make in the body fat percentage arena, and still am training for the 10k in August so there are still things I have to shoot for!
Yesterday, my Mom insisted I take a few pictures to document this special day, so don't judge me. It's corny, but I believe taking a picture is truly the best motivation!
Now I may not be the tiniest gal (afterall, 'dem hips don't lie!), but to be healthy I must be proud of how far I've come! To think 6 years ago I weighed 100 lbs more than I do now! I can't even express how awful it feels to be obese! This is so much better than that!
No matter how much I can pick apart my own picture, spotting almost immediately 5 imperfections in the pictures above, My main goal is to focus on what my body does for me everyday and be thankful instead of critical. After all, this body carries me through graduate school, 4 mile runs, fun Zumba classes, and several adventures with friends.
Now how did I celebrate this monumental occasion? Well, with cookies of course!
Peanut butter, Oatmeal, and Nutella cookies! And yes, they were just as delicious as they sound. No need to feel guilty though, I also topped my good news day off with a hard interval workout on the treadmill!
You look AWESOME! : ) Beautiful as always!